If you would like an approximate estimate for converting your attic please send in your details either by Option 1 (Google Streetview) or Option 2 (Photo of House).
Option 1: The easiest way to get a quote – Google Streetview!
Just email your address and Eircode (once we have your Eircode we can find the exact house straight away, please visit Eircode Finder if you don’t know your Eircode) to us. We can see a picture of your house on ‘Google Streetview’ and give you a fair indication of cost. If your house doesn’t appear we’ll get back to you.
Option 2: Send us a Photo of House
If you would like an approximate estimate for converting your attic, please take a photo of the front of your house from across the street, making sure that the roof is shown in full, and email it to
info@atticconversions.ie with all your contact details.
If you have any queries on Attic Conversions or related topics, please e-mail us at info@atticconversions.ie and we will do our best to answer your question.